Friday, July 18, 2008

Debat Perdana

Don’t be fool by last few sentense by the Minister that only today’s BN allow opposition to talk! This is not a give from BN , this is the responbility as a government to prepare a fair media!

May be Anwar is “wrong” when he is DPM , I am sure today he will agree with tok guru Nik Aziz that agree to give media platform to opposition if PR formed government. Tok Guru said :

“Bila kami memerintah, kimi memerintah atas benar! Bila kita bercakap benar, mana boleh orang kirtik kita,mereka tak ada modal!

Hujah dengan fakta mengkucar kacir kan Dtk Sabree.Kesian saya melihat Dtk Sabree menepis fakta-fakta yg dikemukakan.Saya tengok berbuih aja mulut dtk sabree.Tak buat ke? Kejap2x serang p.badi orang.Kenapa moderator tak tegur.Out of topic lah.

Walau apa pun Dtk Seri memang org yang pro.X mudah melayan kerenah dtk sabree.

How can MALAYSIA GOV recruit such minister??? Waste tax payer $$ to have such minister. Doesn’t even do his homework before going for debate. Haha…he looked like a FOOL man!! I bet if PM or DPM will do the same. They are such a coward for not attending the debate!! How can they lead the country???????????? Just not willing to accept defeat. I notice ever since the poor election results they seems like don’t really care and do nothing!! Funny part the UMNO top two post cannot be contested. Just like the South Africa leader…election only HE, HIMSELF and HIM, no one else?!! STupid craps!!

So poor thing after the debate the gov just not too happy and capture Anwar for stupid reason. Who on earth will believe such accusation? Only the PM & DPM their ministers (dumbo ppl). So obvious that the gov is very UNFAIR and not allowing the public to voice or speak?!! WHere is the FREEDOM being a malaysian?? Must as well be a communist country no one can speak accept the gov. Eeww…just getting more dislike the gov each day when i read the news. Sickening gov.

I am pretty sure that the next election BN will straight go down the drain or toilet bowl. Hopeless case!!

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